Till Death Do Us Part; A Story of Mystery and Intrigue Part 1

Poster with skull. Till death do us part.It was a bright and sunny day on the playground of one of the many ghetto projects in the inner city of Chicago when Leroy, a shy, caramel complexioned small framed boy was drawing a building streaming with people flowing back and forth in the gravelly sand when a shadowy figured suddenly loomed over him blocking out the sun. He placed his hand over his eyes and squinted up. He was immediately overwhelmed by the glittering eyes and gleaming smile of a kid that he’d seen now and then roaming among the crowds of children enjoying themselves. A nervous laugh slowly edged to the corners of his mouth as he cautiously held his hand for the offering. “Hey, how are you doing, I’m Leroy.” The much stockier dark-skinned lad squatted, locked his arms across his thighs and crooned pleasantly, “I will be Morgan dude, watch you doing out here all by yourself? I’ve been checking you out for a couple of days now. What in the world are you drawing?” Leroy cocked his head to the side and told him about his dreams to be very, very rich.

A vast majority of the children were hooked up in a gang, in the youth centers or dead, which made the others forever cautious. So, for this unlikely pair to merge into an unbreakable bond was definitely rare. They couldn’t be more different if they were scripted by design. Leroy was the kind of person that loved helping others in any way that he could and very passionate about it. He practically lived for the opportunities to help slower learning kids with their homework for money. Morgan, on the other hand, was greedy, self-centered, blessed with a natural gift-of-gab that could talk the enamel of a marks tooth and was always scheming to use the other kids’ money to fill his pockets with cash or whatever goodies he could get out of them. Even with the big difference in the two behaviors, like night and day, they became inseparable and hung out together a lot as the years rolled along. Their unity got tighter and tighter as they fought through the frustrations of the hand that life had dealt them, often mistreated, ridiculed and laughed at by the other children in the neighborhood as they were destitute and wore hand me down or goodwill outdated clothing. They vowed to themselves, with an extended pinky swear and devoted their friendship to changing their poverty-stricken situations as they grew into adults.


As teenagers, Leroy begins working to fulfill his vow he got a job delivering newspapers in the neighborhood on the weekends and tutoring his classmate Tuesday thru Thursdays’ to keep coins in his pocket, whereas Morgan lived for the chance to bilk the elderly and whoever would go for his conning spiel. Whatever funds or goods they acquired during their rounds of hustling was shared equally between them and put up in saving as they became inseparable. Morgan had a habit of using the experience he gained while in and out of juvenile court to earn income from his classmate. With Leroy’s brain and desire to succeed along with Morgan con and the ability to fool the very elect they begin a journey to gain what they both set out to do by whatever means necessary, and that becomes very, very rich. With Morgan out to achieve success and as quick as possible, many should be aware, or He may fool “the very elect.” He deceived the elderly as he pretends to be someone available to help them do the things around the house need to be done. But little did they know allowing Morgan to work for them was like the working of Satan, with every kind of power. He cons his classmate every day with his card shark scam, pick the right card for a dollar or watch the hand, which hand is the marble in, put up a dollar and choose the correct hand to receive two dollars in return.

Every Saturday evening had become special, the pinnacle of their hustling week, when they’d get together and brainstorm ways to generate income. A side hustle can remain a side income, or it can grow to become a con that breaks the heart of the individual involved. Leroy looks at the side hustle as living in America a land of an opportunity for richness, while Morgan is sharing a difference of opinion, not a chance for the person he approaches to get as much cash off he possibly can. Morgan met, Renee Warnack, 18, a young woman born into richness. From the moment she’d laid eyes on Morgan, she became unease as she felt an attraction to him. She did not want to own up to feeling an attraction to a sixteen-year-old since she was older than him, so she tried to convince herself she felt nothing. Morgan did lawn work for her grandmother, one of the wealthiest women in Chicago. Renee would take cold lemonade to Morgan on the hot days he sweats and cut her grandmother’s lawn. He used her to get a raise in his pay each time Ms. Warnack pays Him for his service. He begins receiving seventy-five dollars per service rather than fifty dollars which is what he starts making, not a bad raise for a good day service.


Morgan was so intelligent in wanting to find a way to con Renee that He asks his boss, Ms. Warnack, to update her flower bed in the yard, she agreed. He knew his ability and expressions of tenderness and care would melt Renee’s heart. Except for Morgan is not one to care for anything or anyone, he was putting on a front like caring and tenderness are a part of his nature and raise a beautiful rose garden was an act to get close to Renee. Yet, He wanted to do the best job possible so, he measures the flowers to be about 3 inches wide apart, and then He adds edge to keep weeds out, and He knew that would ensure the garden grew some of the most beautiful flowers. Morgan grew and added some of the most attractive flowers in the Rose Garden as almost everybody knows roses are the most recognized and beloved flower to a garden. He begins by planting the Hosta flower to brighten all the shaded area. Then He grew hellebores which he told Renee, it’s the best flower to grow and should be in every flower bed because it’s the flower to announce the arrival of spring. He added a Peony flower which is a mixture of bloom that carries a sweet fragrance most female love the smell of, and when they were ready, he gave her one to stiff. She stiffs it, and that moment she knew she was in love. Lastly, to complete the perfect flower bed He added a Passionflower which is the flower to bring vibrant color to the garden and it also brings a unique optical dash to the garden.

It did not take long for Morgan to begin playing with Renee’s heart as she had felt for Him. Although Renee tried to tell herself he’s a sixteen-year-old child; he’s not even eighteen. Morgan manages to convince her to go out on a date with Him. He also asks his best friend Leroy to grab a date and come along. Leroy was not too interested in females, but to honor his best friends wish he chooses Laura a black-haired, attractive girl who had the hots for Him. He wasn’t that he didn’t find her attractive, quite the opposite, Leroy just spend all his time and had his heart on becoming a rich man someday. Laura dreamed of the day she would date Leroy from the moment she laid eyes on him when he met her to tutor her in Algebra, and He was showing her NO interest make him even more attractive to the rebellious Laura.


After Renee went on several dates with Morgan, she felt they were initiating a connection, and she starts feeling she could share anything with Him. She made the mistake of telling him she was the next person in line to inherit her grandmother’s fortune. Renee shared with Morgan she prays her grandmother to live many more years, she’s not in a hurry to collect the wealth. But little did she know to trust a con man with something so extreme was one of her biggest mistakes, mainly, since her grandmother is worth Billions. Renee’s mother is her grandmother, daughter, but her grandmother made the mistake of allowing nannies to raise her while she lived a lavish lifestyle and traveled a lot, so the two were not close. Ms. Warnack tried to correct her mistake by taking the time to help raise Renee, and they develop a special bond, from that relationship, she decided to leave the most of her finances to her.

Leroy notices that Renee was falling head over hills in love with Morgan so, he tried to warn Morgan not to break her heart. He felt Renee was a rare one of a kind girl that most guys would be honored to share a relationship with. Meanwhile, Morgan was in deep thoughts, trying to think of ways to get the grandmother out of the way so Renee can inherit her fortune. Morgan felt if Renee becomes a billionaire that would be his solution to growing into the rich man he so desired. Because Morgan spends a lot of time inside Ms. Warnack two storage mansion, he knew every trick or deal if he needs to escape in a hurry. Morgan decided to call one of His juvenile buddies to stage a “home invasion” where Ms. Warnack would get killed during the disturbing home invasion.

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